
Total Donations




Total Community Members Funded


Fixed Expenses

The Ledger

DateAmountFund Balance
August 2021 Donation$1,637.36$4,324.23
August 2021 Donation Fees
July 2021 Donation$329.52$2,704.04
July 2021 Donation Fees-$17.17$2,686.87
June 2021 Donation$168.57$2,704.04
June 2021 Donation Fees-$10.09$2,374.52
May 2021 Donation$231.27$2,229.18
May 2021 Donation Fees-$13.14$2,216.04
April 2021 Donation$53.16$1,941.06
April 2021 Donation Fees-$3.23$1,937.83
March 2021 Donation$430.57$1,890.45
March 2021 Donation Fees-$22.50$1,867.95
February 2021 Donation$163.25$1,468.48
February 2021 Donation Fees-$8.60$1,459.88
January 2021 Donation$53.59$1,308.77
January 2021 Donation Fees-$3.54$1,305.23
2020 Donation Fees$70.17$1,255.18
2020 Donations$1,325.35$0

Ledger FAQ

How often is the WFI Ledger updated?

The WFI ledger is updated once a month at the beginning of the month for the previous month. Eg. The ledger information for August will be posted no later than September 15th 2020.

What is included in Banking fees?

All banking fees include transactions general banking fee transactions for business accounts, which include transaction fees and check printing fees. Please visit www.tdcanadatrust.com for more information on transaction fees.

What is included in Donation Transaction fees?

Donor Box is WFI’s current platform of choice. When donations are made the platform takes a small percentage of each donation unless the donor decides to help us cover this fee with an additional amount. The entire amount of this fee goes to the donation platform. The donation is also subject to a small transaction fee when the donation is deposited into the business account. The fee ranges from 3 to 5 percent of the total donation.

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